What's your favorite country song? Right now mine is Jason Aldean's Hicktown. Jason really hits the nail on the head of how it all goes down in a small rural town not to mention the kick ass sounds that the band is backing up his great lyrics and voice with. I remember growing up in a small town like that in the Midwest, and I remember doing several things sung about in the song or at least things that were very similar. Yeah, those were the good ole' days, and I do remeber very clearly going mudding down minimum maitenance roads on rainy days on either my four wheeler or in my Grand Toreno. Jumping the railroad tracks in my hot rod like Bo and Luke would've done and once even trying to out run our town cop that lived only a block and a half from mom and dads house on my Honda CR 125. Well, not quite I guess he did catch up to me on the long stretch after I went whizzing down main street strait out of town at 85 mph with my mullet blowing in the wind! I am not sure why he was chasing me, I only was driving without a license, no signals, I ran every stop sign in town and was only going over the speed limit in some spots by 65 mph. He probably would have never caught me, but when I jumped the ditch and looked back over my shoulder as I was going across the corn field instead of down it and noticed him leaning over the hood of his cruiser with his 357 mag drawn. I very quickly decided to turn around and face the consequences. I never would have turned around, and my balls wish I hadn't, but after hearing several of the kids talking about how Pettingale shot a Whitetail buck running with his pistol on opening day at 250 yards wasn't going to take any chances at seeing if I could fair better than that Whitetail. Being from a small town it is funny how everyone knows everyone and everything about who, what, where and why they did something. Probably a good thing... I guess at least in this case.
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